Members-Only Community
Learn and share with others inside our private, confidential platform.
Worldwide Recognition
Member schools are widely recognized on our websites, newsletters, social media and conferences.
Digital Badge
Broadcast your school’s commitment to inclusion.
Share Job Openings
Share open positions with thousands of individuals within the SENIA community.
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Pre-written Letter for Admin Team
We have your covered with our pre-written letter for your administration outlining all the benefits of membership. Opens as a Google Doc.
SENIA membership represents the initial step for schools on their inclusion journey.
Each school has a unique path, and SENIA is here to support them in identifying and implementing their next steps. Membership is not an endorsement of having “achieved” inclusion but signifies a school’s openness to learn from and with SENIA.
Membership reflects a commitment to collaborative learning and the ongoing pursuit of inclusivity.
Reach out anytime: