Rashwin Kalithas November 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient


At just 4 years of age, Rashwin has made it into the Malaysia Book of Records for being able to identify the most number of international flags.  As a child with autism,  the impact of this award has helped raise awareness of the strengths and mental capabilities of people with autism in the local and national community. Too often there is the focus on what a child cannot do, instead Rashwin is focusing on what he can do and creating awareness about autism along the way.  His mom has been instrumental in advocating for the inclusion of children with autism in our everyday society through her blog, My AutismAmazing SONshine. This blog features her son ‘s journey as well as sharing resources and providing support for parents.  Her aim is to create an inclusive society, where all children are seen for their abilities. She is slowly seeing a positive change in perspective and hopes that this will grow!

Congratulations to Rashwin Kalithas as our November World Changer Award winner!