12 events found.
SENIA Conference
Chadwick International School, Incheon, South Korea 45, Art center-daero 97, beon-gil, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon,, Korea, Republic ofAutism Exercise Certification
Check out the flyer for more information
SENIA Europe Virtual Networking Event
THE GOALS OF THIS EVENT ARE TO... Continue building networks, resources and opportunities to connect; Learn and share best practices to support learning in multiple settings; Understand how related services (e.g. SLP, OTs, Counselors, Ed-Psych) can support IEP/ILP goals in the classroom.
SENIA Europe Conference
Bonn International School Martin-Luther-King-Straße 14,, Bonn, GermanySENIA 2022 Virtual Conference
20 years of SENIA: The Inclusion Revolution
SENIA Africa Conference
American International School, Johannesburg, South Africa Johannesburg Campus, Private Bag X4, Bryanston, 2021, Republic of South Africa, South AfricaSENIA Cambodia: Cambodia International Educators Conference @ ISPP
International School of Phnom PenhPlease see the SENIA Cambodia Facebook Page for further details.
SENIA Beijing Autism Awareness Day Event
Please contact gerald@seniainternational.org for more information.
SENIA Beijing Autism Awareness Month Professional Development – The ABCs of Behavior: Addressing Challenging Behavior and Teaching New Skills
Please see SENIA Beijing Facebook group for details.