Muhamad Fazri Bin Hassan is a special education teacher at SK Gas Sandakan in Malaysia. He believes that learning through play will provide meaningful learning for his students. He has been featured in many social media platforms for his creativity in teaching. Fazri is a keen advocate for his students and encourages them to participate in singing competitions and art exhibitions.
Also, Fazri has been involved in action research implementing ways to improve reading skills in his students. His research has earned him gold awards at the state, national and international level. During the pandemic, Fazri had created his own website, Facebook page and YouTube channel called Fazri Classroom to help his students learn online. His materials have been shared and used nationwide not just among special education teachers but also early education and remedial teachers.
Congratulations to Muhamad Fazri Bin Hassan as the recipient of the 2021 SENIA World Changer Award. Farrol Farrol2021-06-30 09:00:362025-02-05 03:38:04Muhamad Fazri Bin Hassan July 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
As part of her IBO MYP Personal Project, Iris researched her diagnosis of ADHD. The final product of her project was a presentation to the elementary teachers about ADHD, its causes, impacts and what teachers can do to support ADHD in the classroom.
Iris went through the identification process in middle school and as she has matured through high school she embraced the opportunity to dig into her own understanding of what this diagnosis means to her identity and how it impacts her learning. It was important to her to return to speak to her elementary teachers about how they can support students and their families with ADHD.
The impact of Iris ‘ presentation was enormous. Teachers and leadership left feeling more confident in being able to talk about neuro-diverse learners around their needs. The Vietnam SENIA representative has asked her to present at their monthly meetings and in May 2021 she will present to her current teachers in the secondary school. Iris is a role model in the school community of a strong, resilient, and proud neuro-diverse student.
Congratulations to Iris van der Velden as the recipient of June 2021 SENIA World Changer Award! Farrol Farrol2021-05-31 08:00:592025-02-05 03:38:32Iris van der Velden June 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Aizat Izzuddin is an art enthusiast as well as a poetry performer, a storyteller, a voice actor, an illustrator and an orator. He, along with his classmate, narrated three short stories and recited three poems at the art festival “2020 Tiny Lit Fest”, hosted virtually by an association in Brunei.The two students became the first Malaysians to take part in the art festival as performers. In early 2021, Aizat represented Malaysia to compete at the Asian English Olympics organized by an Indonesian university where he participated in the storytelling category, together with two of his classmates. He was one of the first individuals with disabilities to take part in the event as contestants. His accomplishments in literary, performing and visuals arts have catalyzed the active participation of special needs learners in various arts events in his community. More students have been inspired to participate in the art festivals being held locally, nationally and internationally.
Congratulations to Muhammad Aizat Izzuddin Bin Azme as the recipient of the 2021 May World Changer Award!
Aizat ‘s short story presentations and poetry along with his classmates can be accessed via this link: Farrol Farrol2021-04-30 01:50:122025-02-05 03:39:10Muhammad Aizat Izzuddin Bin Azme May 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Lex is an Early Years professional from the UK with a PGCert in Special Educational Needs Coordination. She has worked with children for 20 years in various countries including Australia and Rwanda. She moved to Cambodia with her husband in 2015 with the desire to increase quality SEND provision within the country. She is SENCO and Head of The Giving Tree School ‘s Early Years campus in Phnom Penh. As well as supporting her fellow teachers she also teaches a class of two year old students. Lex is passionate about early intervention and networking with other professionals to bring awareness and high quality provision to all children with SEND in Cambodia. She also has 3 young boys at home that love to keep her busy when she ‘s not teaching! Lex took over as Chair of SENIA Cambodia Chapter in 2020, spearheading multiple projects while tirelessly supporting SENIA and wider community members.
Congratulations to Lex Hamilton as the April 2021 SENIA World Changer recipient! Farrol Farrol2021-04-04 16:03:432025-02-05 03:39:44Lex Hamilton April 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Mohammad Zulfadhli bin Amban, who has a hearing impairment, is a vocational student at Keningau Vocational College in Sabah, Malaysia. He represented his state to compete at the National Abilympics Championship in the silk hand painting category. His paintings portray the traditional motifs of leaves and flowers in geometrical designs known as Batik motifs in Malaysia. His art wowed the visitors and judges. His signature style of portraying Malaysian Batik motifs on his artwork helped to popularize the intricate patterns as a unique concept that are highlighted at annual art exhibitions and competitions in the country. Also, his efforts contributed to the preservation of traditional arts by familiarizing a younger generation with the centuries-old theme and craftsmanship of Batik.
Congratulations to Mohammad Zulfadhli bin Amban as the recipient of the March 2021 SENIA World Changer Award! Farrol Farrol2021-02-28 03:00:232025-02-05 03:41:19Mohammad Zulfadhli bin Amban March 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Zandri is an Occupational Therapist based in Hanoi, Vietnam.She started her journey when she visited Vietnam in Nov 2017. Looking through her Occupational Therapy (OT) lenses, she saw that limited accommodations were being made for people with disabilities. She returned to Vietnam in Feb 2018, taking Hanoi by storm and advocating for inclusion in the community and schools. She serves as an OT service provider and is also a board member of SENIA Vietnam.
Zandri develops programs and training for teachers, parents and other service providers in Hanoi to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to create an inclusive classroom. She does school visits to support the development of Learning Support and provides recommendations that fit with the teacher’s teaching style and classroom challenges. Zandri provides training and guides newly qualified OT’s in Vietnam to broaden their impact in the community through professional and self-development.
Zandri is passionate about creating equal opportunities for all and believes through education, awareness, and skills training, Vietnam (and the world) can view the world and its beautiful people through lenses of love, empathy, and understanding.
Through love for ourselves and our neighbors we change the world – one by one.
Congratulations to Zandri Byleveldt as the recipient of the 2021 February World Changer Award! Farrol Farrol2021-01-31 09:00:432025-02-05 03:41:48Zandri Byleveldt February 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Jane Christine Justine, a student with a hearing impairment, was the leader of her school innovation team specializing in producing vegan food. Along with her team and their advisory teacher, they initiated a project called “Veganbond” which seeks to produce their own vegan food and raise public awareness on vegan lifestyle. In 2020, she led her team to win three innovation medals in a local innovation competition and two global innovation contests that were virtually hosted in the UK and in Southeast Asia. Veganbond was also a finalist in the 2020 Youth Solution Report produced by SDSN Youth. They presented their project in sign language and this led to major changes made by the event organizers in order to accommodate special needs individuals as only oral presentations were allowed in the past. Her efforts have successfully broken the barriers for special needs individuals especially those with hearing impairments. Here is a link to their presentation:
Congratulations Jane!! Farrol Farrol2021-01-04 17:01:272025-02-05 03:42:29Jane Christine Justine January 2021 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Edelson Dell started as a track and field athlete in the early 2010s before transitioning to football. He played actively in the special needs football championship in 2014. He represented his state, Sabah, to play professionally in various national level matches across the country where his team often earned the top three spots including several victories. His incredible talent and efforts helped him become an exceptional player. He successfully made it to the national team and represented the country at regional and international level football championships in Taiwan, South Korea and Brazil. His remarkable feat in football has inspired many individuals with special needs especially those from his state, Sabah, and his former school, KVKEN, to participate in football and other sports tournaments. Due to this, many schools in the state have begun to invest more in sports for special needs students.
Congratulations to Edelson Dell Evaristus as the recipient of the SENIA World Changer Award November 2020! Farrol Farrol2020-11-16 17:42:222025-02-05 03:42:55Edelson Dell Evaristus November 2020 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Dr. Shyielathy Arumugam is a special educator by profession in Malaysia. She has dedicated her life to supporting and providing resources about special education and inclusion through her YouTube channel: Her main focus is to incorporate inclusion into every aspect of life. She strongly believes that the value of diversity will not be achieved without inclusion. In efforts to ensure that every child has equal educational opportunities, she fights for inclusion everyday. One of the quotes she lives by is: “If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.”
Congratulations to Dr. Shyielathy Arumugam as the recipient of the November 2020 World Changers Award! Farrol Farrol2020-11-02 19:09:212025-02-05 03:43:25Dr. Shyielathy Arumugam November 2020 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient
Zico Luck Elvister is a 17-year-old student at Keningau Vocational College located in the interior region of Sabah, Malaysia. Zico is a student whose main means of communication is through sign language due to a hearing impairment. Despite this, Zico has inspired students of special needs and people from the rural communities in the state with his accomplishments in chess tournaments at the national and international level. He was the 1st runner up of Malaysian Lions International English Chess Competition for special needs category in 2019. He was also the 1st runner up for the same category in the national Malaysian Chess Tournament for the Disabled in 2019. He achieved this feat at such a young age despite coming from an economically disadvantaged and remote area. He has successfully paved the way for other students of special needs to venture into chess tournaments and has revived the community ‘s interest in the sport. Farrol Farrol2020-10-14 19:00:412025-02-05 03:45:03Zico Luck Elvister October 2020 SENIA World Changer Award Recipient