The Intersection of Disability and Poverty

As we recognize Financial Awareness Day on August 14th, a day originally intended to promote good financial practices, we at SENIA International can’t ignore the sobering reality of disability poverty, often referred to as the disability tax. This term describes the additional costs neurodivergent and disabled people face in everyday life, from medical expenses to accessibility barriers. These financial burdens highlight the intersection of disability and poverty, revealing a cycle that can be difficult to break.

Disability and poverty are deeply intertwined issues that create a vicious cycle, affecting millions of people worldwide. Neurodivergent and disabled people often encounter barriers to education, employment, and social inclusion, leading to economic hardship.

One of the most significant challenges for individuals with disabilities is access to education. Neurodivergent and disabled children are often underserved in school settings. This is due to a variety of factors including lack of teacher training and under-staffing. Schools are often a reflection of society and can serve to either limit or nourish student dreams. Currently, the lack of educational opportunities and support for these students limits their opportunities for future employment and economic independence, trapping them in a cycle of poverty.

Employment is another critical area where the link between disability and poverty is evident. Many face discrimination, inaccessible workplaces, or a lack of appropriate accommodations, leading to higher unemployment rates. Even when employed, neurodivergent and disabled individuals often earn less than their non-disabled peers, further perpetuating economic disadvantage. This lack of income affects one’s ability to afford necessary medical care, assistive devices, or modifications to their living spaces, which can exacerbate disability or health conditions.

Despite the many challenges outlined above, there is hope for a brighter future. SENIA International is proud to be part of a community that values the diverse identities and experiences of all people. We continue to pursue our mission by championing inclusion and empowering our global community to connect, learn, and advocate for one another. Our coursework, conferences and member platform support educators in developing strong inclusive practices to better ensure student success. We also proudly partner with organizations like Steps, a vocational training center and inclusive business consultancy in Thailand, which provides training and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Together, we work towards a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their circumstances.

Breaking the cycle requires comprehensive policy solutions that address both poverty and disability. These include promoting inclusive education, ensuring accessible healthcare, and creating employment opportunities that accommodate diversity. By fostering an inclusive society that values the contributions of all its members, we can work towards breaking the link between disability and poverty.

Want to take action?

Join our Membership program to connect with other inclusive educators and professionals dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in education. Engage with a supportive network, share experiences, and collaborate on best practices.

Explore our course catalog at SENIA Academy to enhance your knowledge and skills in inclusive education.
Learn about post-secondary opportunities for neurodiverse and disabled students pursuing non-traditional academic routes by checking out our Alternative Pathways to Graduation resource.

Encourage your school to develop a robust inclusion policy and transition program that supports all students, including those with disabilities.
Make your voice heard by reaching out to your government representatives and advocating for policies that support inclusive education and equal opportunities for all.