
It is with great pleasure that we announce Kate as the recipient of the 2024 SENIA World Changer Award for her tireless efforts to promote inclusion for children in Cambodia.

For over a decade, Kate has been a passionate advocate for ensuring all children, regardless of their abilities, can access the support and resources they need to thrive. Her work with grassroots Khmer organizations has been instrumental in developing best practices and training countless local staff to compassionately teach and assist children with complex needs.

Kate’s dedication deepened when she joined SENIA Cambodia in 2019, and since then she has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the organization’s vital mission moving forward – even through the immense challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her consistent voice and unwavering commitment have had a profound impact, not only on SENIA’s work, but on the larger inclusion landscape across Cambodia.

Through her advocacy, training programs, and collaborative efforts, Kate has made an immeasurable difference in the lives of countless vulnerable children. Her selfless service and unwavering commitment to inclusion serve as an inspiration to us all.

Please join us in congratulating Kate on this well-deserved recognition of her exceptional contributions.

Here is a link to Kate’s services: 
